Making Space – Interactive Space Installation

Making Space is an immersive interactive space experience concept design for the Grid Gallery in Sydney. Using motion detection, the viewer is able to engage the universe in navigating the cosmos.

Making Space is concerned with the cosmos as a reflection of our society and collective human pursuits. Gravity of individual atoms each exerts influence on the solar system, as a part of something bigger. In human society, strangers come together in pursuit of something, collective actions ultimately manifests into advances in the society we live in now. As stars on a starry night, daily actions of single human beings are important pieces to a functional society as a whole. Each singularity is in relation to others as a part of something bigger.

When a viewer is detected, a star manifests permanently in the cosmic scene as a symbol of individual influence. The collective influence between viewers contributes to a scene of infinite sophistication, echoing viewer’s sense of place in society.

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