‘S_PACE’ an installment in the First Degree Project (YEARBOOK , S_PACE, TRAench, Away) where I invite my friends to a photo shoot in my studio once a year with a different concept in mind.

Wall(k) http://vimeo.com/kristoferdb/wallk
TRAench http://vimeo.com/kristoferdb/traench

On the web:

Featured on:
– CMYBacon http://www.cmybacon.com/2010/05/kristofer-dan-bergman/
– Chatterbox http://us1.campaign-archive1.com/?u=a4c2f194436d310a10f1b9fea&id=205a1642ed&e=7QBGz5utay
– Sharpen http://sharpernewyork.blogspot.com/2011/03/asmp-fine-art-portfolio-review-2011.html
– Elizabeth Avedon http://elizabethavedon.blogspot.com/2011/03/kristofer-dan-bergman-yearbook-space.html

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